In a lecture I had earlier in the week, we were asked, why we were doing what we are doing. This got me thinking. I am doing textiles firstly and simply because I enjoy it, but another aspect of design that intriuges me is that I want to design, in order to help people and to help improve their lives. I am very interested inhelping others and making people around me happy, I get a great satisfaction out of that when I suceed. I feel I need to broaden my horizons in my design field and perhaps dabble in another discipline, in order to survive in the design world.
Another part of me would love to be running a textiles/fashion business. Being in management of an important company making the contacts, negiotiating good deals, doing presentations, holding meetings, making decisions and ideally helping to make alot of money.
Who knows what the future will hold for me, only time will tell...