Today our group for design and the market module got together and discussed potential questions of which, we are contemplating asking James Donald tomorrow, during his interview with all six of us.
These are the following questions we thought of:
1. How do you feel that your business/craft in effected in this current economic climate?
Have you had to consider giving up the shop or teaching?
What means more to you now?
2. What was your most difficult challenge that you faced when setting up your business
And how did you overcome this?
3. What was your experience like in education?
Explain the benefits and the pitfalls.
Did your experience persuade you to go into teaching? - and why?
Do you keep in contact with the teachers/students from your time in education?
4. What do you think are the key elements to opening and running a successful business within the craft discipline.
How do you feel about expanding your business?
5. How do you get around overcoming designers block?
6. How has your mindset changed on how you would approach your working life, the since you had left Art College?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
7. How do you feel about collaborating with others?
8. What is important when showing your products to a client?
9. How does teaching affect your Pick One business? .
10. Why did you choose constructed textiles?
11. Have you considered using an agent before? If yes why, if no why?
12. How do you prepare for trade fairs?
Do you have a different range of products for the trade fairs and one for the shop?
13. Do you think that your customers that shop within your brand buy because they know about you, are returning and are looking for something specific, or one off customers that tend to buy one off pieces?
14. Why did you diversify into other products (whiskey decanters)?
15. Why did you choose the location of Broughton Street (Edinburgh) for your shop?
Why did you move from the Grassmarket.
Do you feel that the type of ‘passers by’ suits the market you aim for?
16.Why did you choose Leith for your studio?
17. How do you define your niche?
18. What is your mission statement?
What are your working goals?
19. Who inspires you?
Personally or within your field?
Who is your best contact?
20. What has been the highlight of your career so far?
21. How did you begin your relationship with CraftScotland?
The C Word.
22. As you have moved on throughout your career, do you feel you have before more or
less experimental?
Has your design process changed?
It is alot of questions to be enquiring about in our alotted one hour time frame. Perhaps we need to cut it down to just key questions, or maybe we will get throught them all? I am looking forward to our interview but I am also nervous. I am hoping to gain alot from this experience. I feel it will be very insightful... I also hope that James Donald finds the experience to be enjoyable. We are all very grateful that he was able to slot us into his very busy schedule, it is very much appreciated.