It is always worth pursueing something you really enjoy. So that you hopefully feel like the image below:
Otherwise you will most like find your self in an unsatisying job that you do to enable yourself to pay the bills. This is fine, but at the end of the day, you only live once... Is it not better to do what you want for a living if you have the determination to make it work... Realistically speaking not all of us can perhaps do this and live happilyever after. But where is the harm in trying. If you don't try you'll never know. It will just be constant "what if..." questions.
You may regret the opportunities you didnt seize whilst you had the chance. The oppportunities may just come along when you least expect it. Run away with them in the right direction. It wont always be easy, but remember the all important word of trying! As the weaver James Donald said to us in an interview "It may not always be a bed of rose, but you just have to power through."
I would also like to bring up a previous post of mine which means alot to me, it is a fable my father told me. It is about a king who recieves a ring, and on this ring has an enscription on it which says : "It shall pass." He was told to look at this ring throughout the good times and that bad.
I think it is a great lesson learned about being level-headed. We all need it from time to time...
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